Had a little surprize this morning at home. I heard some weird noises in the house and then thought: do we have a rat?! Sneaked up, wanting to see the damn thing....but when I slowly opened the door and looked in, it was no rat. It was a freaking burglar!
We stood staring at each other for a second or two...dumbstruck in disbelief. And then I chased him. I can be very scary at times LOL.
Only afterwards I thought about how I reacted, and how badly it could have gone if anything had gone differently. Unfortunately, in this country violent crime is at the order of the day, so discovering a burglar in your house could get really ugly.
Later we discovered that a bunch of stuff is actually missing, which means he must have been in the house before seeing as he was empty handed when I chased him. We suspect during the night, because the dog barked at one stage.
Fortunately nothing important or valuable is missing. We are moving soon, and the items that were taken were from the things I am planning to donate to charity.
So no harm done, but a little wake up call nonetheless...