Monday, March 07, 2011

Counting down...

Wow I can't believe how busy I am! I am so busy I can't slow down and can't get to bed at night....I don't even get tired anymore! And this really causes me to get frustrated with everyone else that is not as productive and on the go as I am at the moment...

Apart from the sorting and packing, I am still selling lots of stuff (and have lots left to still sell), I'm painting the house (OK not all on my own, but now my handyman is ill and I'm on my own for now), still arranging and finalizing the move arrangements, trying to keep the kids out of my hair, arranging an 11th birthday party.....and on top of that organizing a 20year school reunion (not even sure how I got that job)!! And then of course normal day-to-day life still goes on...there are still meals to prepare, dirty dishes that pile up, and laundry.

I hate being behind schedule. By now everything should have been done and ready so that we could have time to visit with friends and family. So many people I want to see before we leave....

I've now finally taken the last child out of school. So while I now have less driving around to do (which is good since we have one less vehicle) I now have one more under foot.

I can't believe how fast time has flown by though. Its almost time....mere weeks left. *phew*

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