Monday, November 27, 2006

I can't win

I forgot a little detail when I posted yesterday. I said that the hubby started work recently, but I forgot to mention that he's actually working from home.....that makes a little difference, doesn't it. At first I thought cool!...and it is cool, but its not an easy adjustment either.

I don't wanna bother him, but its natural to chat when he's around. Sometimes I'll notice that he's only hearing half of what I'm saying, and I hate that. Or he'll talk and talk about work or whatever when I'm busy, and I hardly take in what he's saying. When I have to go out for groceries, or whatever, he'll come along. Then later that night he'll complain about how little work he'd done that day. When I stay completely out of his way during the day so he can work undisturbed, he'll still complain about not getting stuff done. And when I comment that its not my fault cos I stayed out of the way, he'll say: that's exactly the problem....... *sigh*. What the hell am I supposed to do? I just can't win...

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